Thursday, November 10, 2011

Potato Pancakes

Let me preface this by saying my dad almost never cooks.  More than that, he cooks once in a blue moon, maybe.  The only time he ever seems to be in the kitchen is to get something to drink.  When he does cook, there are only two dishes he makes: Hamburger Macaroni & Cheese and Potato Pancakes.  Both have been a huge hit at my house since I began making them for Mike.

When I was little, I would spend some weekends with my dad and he would make me fried potato pancakes.  They were my favorite breakfast growing up.  Looking back on my childhood and remembering time with my dad, these pancakes are my end all be all cooking memory of him.  They are simple, easy, and my mom didn't make them which made them extra special. 

Do you ever end up with extra potatoes when dinner is over...say after Thanksgiving?  These yummy little guys are the perfect thing to do with your left over mashed potatoes.  In fact, I will purposely make extra mashed potatoes when I'm craving them. 

Potato Pancakes

2 cups cold mashed potatoes (from left over mashed potatoes made the night before)
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
3-4 tablespoons vegetable oil
Lawry's seasoned salt

  1. Heat oil in a saute pan over medium-high heat.
  2. Put your mashed potatoes and flour into a bowl.  Smash together until well blended.  I find that using the back of a spoon helps mash the flour into the potatoes really well.  You want to able to taste the flour in your potatoes and the mixture should become slightly dough like.
  3. Put a palm size amount of potatoes into your hand and roll into a ball.  Then flatten the ball into a patty.  Carefully place the potato patty into the hot oil.
  4. Repeat with remaining potatoes.
  5. Cook pancakes until golden brown, 3-5 minutes on each side.
  6. Remove pancakes to towels to drain.  While pancakes are still hot, sprinkle with seasoned salt.  Serve warm.

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