Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Get Your Chef On ~ Pears: Winner and Features

Today's the day we find out who won Get Your Chef On ~ Pears!  You know, for all the trouble I had making a recipe decision, there were some really great entries.  Which basically means I was the only one with cooking block.  Oh well.  Let's start with the features!

Up first, always, cause I love her...
My amazing co-host Jen from Four Marrs & One Venus

Swooning over here.  Oh if only Jen and I could win.  I would've picked her.  Just sayin'.
This is  not a cheesecake plug.  Okay, mostly not a cheesecake plug.

My Turn For Us

Speaking of perfectly thick cheesecakes, yum!

Call Me PMc

Paula is our un-official runner up!  Seriously, she got pears and pork (two-ways) into the same dish.
I'm sold, and making this ASAP!

Practically Functional

I almost made wine poached pears for my entry.
I'm glad I didn't.  Jessi would have kicked my butt, her's look great.

Wine Lady Cooks

I'm jealous your pears sliced better than mine and look prettier!
Great job.  :)

M Double M

That is all.

Nutmeg Place

Meg needs to make me a dozen of these pizzas, freeze them, and mail them to me.
Totally my favorites all in one place - pizza, pork, and pear.  Triple P!

My Sesame Seed Buns

I haven't Googled it yet, but I'm totally going to find out what conserve is.
These scones look yummy. I love a little spice with sweet to balance things out.

And now for the winner!!

This dish is seriously crazy.  I can't wait to try it.
Oh and Jen and I decided that from now on, if the GYCO winner wants to send us a sample of their recipe, that's totally fine with us.

Okay, no more stalling.

The GYCO ~ Pear Winner is...

Claire from A Little Claireification!
Savory Chicken & Pear Pastilla

This dish takes some serious work and love and sounds really delicious.

Congratulations Claire!
{Don't forget to check you email for your prizes.}

Be sure to check out all the other GYCO ~ Pear features at

We're going to do a little something we wouldn't normally do for GYCO. 
I'm dying to tell everyone March's secret ingredient and really get everyone excited.

Are you ready?!?

March's secret ingredient is BEER!

Oh I'm so happy I get control back.

Start thinking about what you're going to cook.
Tell your friends.
Try some new beers for inspiration.
This is going to be awesome!

Sign ups open March 5th.
Can't wait to see you there!!


  1. Thanks so much for sponsoring this competition!!!

    I am so much fun and it challenged me:)

    And many thanks for sharing my Cheesecake:)

    Beer!!! Oh yes, March will be fun!!

    I'm here for beer!!

  2. Yum, such delicious-looking recipes! Thanks for featuring my poached pears!

  3. Pretty much the same comment here as over at Jen's - THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I am just so speechless and honored since the entries were all SO amazing! Mwahhh! Big hugs and kisses and all of that junk! That was a blast! Can't wait for beer. Maybe I should have one now to celebrate. LOL Thank youuuu!!! xoxo, Claire

  4. Shut the front door...these recipes are amazing. And BEER! What a great ingredient for March (and St. Patty's day!...clever!)

  5. Thanks for hosting this challenge - ALL of the recipes were fabulous - congrats to the winner!

    Create With Joy

    P.S. Please share your creativity with us at my weekly Inspire Me Monday party!

  6. Thanks so much for featuring my Peppered Pear Scones in the "winner" post! Congrats to Claire! Thanks again for hosting!

  7. WOW! Thanks for the shout out! I'll take "Un-official" runner-up and display it proudly!! This was a very touch competition - especially since I didn't like pears growing up and haven't tried them since. I discovered, they're not so bad! :) Still like apples better though!

    Beer ah? I don't like beer either... wonder if the same will happen with it?
    Thanks again!

  8. p.s. Your hair is FABULOUS in your "Hi there" pic!

  9. Thanks so much for this fun challenge. I so appreciate featuring my recipe. The pear slices didn't look so good until the tart was baked. The oven 'did it'.

    I hope I can come up with something remotely good with beer. I'll look forward to the challenge.

    Joanne/Winelady Cooks


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