Thursday, February 14, 2013

I'm Moving to WordPress!

I've been waiting about a month for the day to arrive, and it's here!  I'm going to be moving to WordPress tomorrow.  I'm excited and nervous and I hope you all like the new look.  Thanks again for your input on the title and stuff.  I went with an undisclosed option.  Secret squirrel stylie.

I'm going to be doing a blog post about the WP process and why later.  I want to see if my original reasoning was founded before I go off an starting acting like I know what I'm talking about.

More importantly though, WP does NOT use Google Friends Connect. Ahhh!!!  Which basically means if your follow me with GFC you'll need to take a step to make sure you still get updates.

There are a million options to follow whatever works best for you.  {okay maybe not a million, but you get the idea}

Other ways to follow WLOW

Blog Lovin'

Blogger Reader

Highlight and copy my blog's URL.

Head to your main Blogger page and click "Add"

The first option will be highlighted "Add from URL"
Paste my URL into that box, click Follow and you are in business!

Email Subscription

I'll catch you on the flip side.

{20 points if you know the movie}


  1. Good luck!
    Didn't realize you were on Google+...added you!

  2. I'll see if you actually drop off my feed. I've had several blogs I read move to Wordpress, and even a year later, they still show up on my GFC reader.

  3. I didn't realize you were on G+, added you there. Good luck girlie- I'm interested to know how it goes...I've been toying with the idea lately.

  4. So excited for you Julie! And only 75% because I want you to hold my hand when I make the move :)


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